We can all #BeBetter and help out in some way this holiday season. For some of us, we will round up our total at the grocery store, drop a few dollars in a collection jar or take food to a local pantry. Even the smallest gestures help those in need and here at The Cleary Company we have chosen to support the YWCA.
Cold winter weather will soon be upon us all in Central Ohio. Join Our Team in collecting new winter blankets for homeless families at the YWCA Family Center! Pre-pandemic, the Dispatch ran an article on February 8, 2020, Columbus Families Struggle to Overcome Homelessness. The article states, that “instead of decreasing along with the growing local economy, family homelessness in Columbus OH went up by 20% from 2010 to 2019”. In fact, according to the latest OHFA’s “Revisiting the Silent Crisis” report, young children are among the fastest growing segments of Ohio’s homeless population. Nearly 30 percent of all the individuals accessing homeless services were minors. This includes 2,943 infants under age 1, an increase of 53 percent since 2012.
With several sectors of our economy in Columbus still feeling the impact of restrictions on capacity, loss of customer traffic, layoffs and even closures, the number of homeless families are continuing to grow even more. We all know winters in Ohio can be brutal, but thankfully there are several social service options, like the YWCA Family Center, offering emergency, short term and even long-term support to the most vulnerable families in our Central Ohio.
With all that in mind, we are hoping you will help us as we help with homeless.
Give the gift of warmth!
We can all help support those hit hardest by the economic effects of the pandemic.
The YWCA Family Center’s has made donating easy with an Amazon Wish List! Ordering online and shipping your donation directly to the center is easy and the safest option for all.
Top 5 list of most needed items – *note for health reasons all items must be new & unopened!
- Personal Care Items
- Toiletries
- Baby Care Products
- Diapers & Pull-Ups
- $25 Gift Cards to Walmart, Kroger, or Target
A complete list of needed items can be found here. If you prefer to purchase your donations elsewhere, you may drop off donations now thru December 21st to our office located at 989 Old Henderson Rd 43220 during regular business hours M-F 8am to 5pm. Our Team will deliver any donation items we collect on Wednesday December 23rd.

We appreciate you and any assistance you can give this holiday season. To see more ways Team Cleary supports the communities where we live & work, check out the community tag on our blog!