Between the large expense and the excitement of anticipating your finished home remodel project, it’s hard not to feel a little nervous. If you’ve never remodeled before you may be a little apprehensive. At The Cleary Company, we want to help you know what to expect for the weeks or months we will be in your home. Hopefully, by knowing what to expect you’ll be prepared for each stage of the process.
Remodeling Can be an Emotional Roller Coaster

It may be as simple as seeing that old ugly vinyl floor in your bathroom go into the dumpster. While others may seem to be giddy at the sight of drywall being hung or the carefully selected custom tile backsplash being installed. Whatever gets you excited about your project know that we share your joy and excitement. We want your remodeling experience to be the best it can be.
Although mostly short-lived, every client has a point in their project when they just want it to be done! It may be because you’re tired of selections or answering so many questions or you may just want to have all the people out of your house. Whatever the reason please know that we have years of experience dealing with homeowners and we know you just want to move back into your newly remodeled space.
So Hang in There!
The 4 D’s to Expect During Your Home Remodel
The client’s ability to make decisions is one of the biggest factors that drive the Development schedule. You may reach the point of decision fatigue but know that your Development Team is with you every step of the way. Your Designer and Design Consultant will offer their assistance and guidance through the seemingly overwhelming number of choices you will need to make. Have no fear though, making the design choices is one of the most enjoyable parts of the process.
Everything we do creates dust! We implement multiple strategies to minimize the amount of dust in your home, however, a fine layer of dust will gather in parts of your home far from the construction. The first line of defense is temporary walls made with plastic sheeting that are installed & secured around the area being remodeled. During certain phases of your project, we may use one of several different methods of air filtration and dust isolation. We will inspect your furnace air filter regularly and replace it as needed at the conclusion of the project.
Your project’s draw schedule will be reviewed at the Contract presentation meeting. Using a percent of completion method for developing the payment schedule keeps it simple. Divide the anticipated number of workdays by the number of payments. Draw payments will be due at that interval. Usually 25%, 50%, 75%, and Substantial Completion.
Like death and taxes, project delays are almost a foregone conclusion. But one thing your Project Manager will work hard to do is when one thing gets delayed, move something else into its place and move ahead the best they can. We seldom have simple scheduling delays derail a project. Everyone on the Production team strives to find solutions to scheduling delays in order to keep on track.
Recent product delays due to the impacts by COVID-19, such as appliances, are outside the control of everyone and your Production and Development Team will work to find alternatives for selections that are more readily available when possible. Communication is the key here, you will know what your team knows. Updates are passed along as soon as they are known to us.
You’ll Also Want to Prepare for These 3 Realities of Remodeling
There will be times when you will not want to be in your home. Whining saws, buzzing sanders, thumping nail guns followed by bellowing compressors will leave you little peace and quiet during our working hours. We encourage you to communicate, before the project begins, your needs for quiet time. This will help us try to coordinate around your needs and keep your project’s schedule on track.
The aim of our Design-Build approach is to produce a comprehensive, detailed scope of work and final price when you sign a contract. Sometimes things change. While it is ideal to avoid them, when a Change Order becomes necessary your Production and Development team will collaborate with you to get things worked out. Change Orders are an interruption in the flow of a project, so speak with your Project Manager as soon as you think you may want a change!
Our Design/Build remodeling process prepares you and us for the scope of work required on your project. However, there are situations where no amount of investigation will prepare a contractor or homeowner for the potential of concealed conditions that can arise on just about any job site. It could be incorrect wiring, critters nesting in the attic, framing that is not code compliant or unsafe plumbing. With our years of experience, we will work with our Trade Partners to make onsite decisions that will keep your project running on schedule. There will be surprises during your project but know we have been here before and we will work together to find solutions.
Time To Enjoy Your Newly Remodeled Home!
As the completion of your home remodel approaches, your Production Team will create and complete the punch list of items to wrap up. At Substantial Completion, your Project Manager will schedule a time to review the project with you and get your signature on our Field Closeout forms. Once that happens the paperwork triggers a few things at the office. Once the team completes the Office CloseOut your final invoice is created and posted on BuilderTREND for your review and payment.
While a home remodeling project might seem like an inconvenience for your family and occasionally feels like it will never end, before you know it, you are enjoying your renovated spaces and wondering why you waited so long to renovate your home. Our goal is to ensure satisfied clients and raving fans! Are you ready to jump in with both feet and remodel your home? Contact us today!