Remodeling Your Laundry Room

Remodeling Your Laundry Room

Where do you do your laundry? Many older homes in the Columbus, Ohio area have the washer and dryer tucked away in the basement, which isn’t very functional for today’s busy families! The Remodel-Design-Build Team at The Cleary Company collaborates with our...
What’s the ROI of an Attic Remodel?

What’s the ROI of an Attic Remodel?

Your attic. It’s that space you aren’t sure you can do anything with, right? Well, guess what? Most of the time, you can do something amazing with an attic. Whether it is creating more storage, a bathroom, bedroom, office or kids’ playroom, our Remodel-Design-Build...
NARI Certification for Lead Carpenter | CLC

NARI Certification for Lead Carpenter | CLC

Certified Lead Carpenter (CLC) accreditation from the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI). Are the most knowledgeable members of our Production Team! Certified Lead Carpenters (CLC) are recognized as expert hands-on field professionals who...
Power Up Your Home Remodel!

Power Up Your Home Remodel!

A hot topic with our Team at The Cleary Company is energy use at the office. We frequently ask ourselves ~ What can we do to be more energy efficient?How can we save energy and lower our utility costs?What changes can we make to create a cleaner Earth? (both in the...