George Cleary Reflects on 30 Years

George Cleary Reflects on 30 Years

Did you know that April is not only the month of George Cleary’s birthday but also the month back in 1994 when he established The Cleary Company in Columbus, Ohio. Happy Birthday George! After he had spent several years working for other general contractors, and...
Elements of a Successful Home Remodel

Elements of a Successful Home Remodel

Space Planning with a Professional Designer There are several essential steps to creating a new floorplan for a remodel. The Remodel-Design-Build Team at The Cleary Company in Columbus, Ohio will collaborate with you to find the right plan for your home remodeling...
Team Cleary Celebrates Clients & CotY Awards

Team Cleary Celebrates Clients & CotY Awards

George and several members of the Development Team packed the Animal House with 40 Clients for cocktails and a catered dinner from Metro Cuisine on Friday, April 5th. The party was a kick-off to celebrating 30 years of remodeling excellence in Columbus Ohio but also a...