Remodel Design Build Q & A

Remodel Design Build Q & A

Coffee & Conversation with George is back! Are you thinking of remodeling but don’t know how or where to begin? Then Remodeling 101 is for you! This Q & A morning discussion serves the purpose of helping homeowners better understand the remodeling process....
Understanding Your Remodeling Contract

Understanding Your Remodeling Contract

What is an escalation clause? No one likes to have a price change during their remodeling project. The Design-Build Team at The Cleary Company strives to be transparent with you throughout the estimating and development process. Our goal is to Educate, Collaborate...
Remodeling Boom in Central Ohio Continues

Remodeling Boom in Central Ohio Continues

You’ve made the decision to remodel your home. Maybe you’re renovating the kitchen or main bathroom, or a whole house remodel. In your mind, your project should start as soon as you meet with a qualified remodeling company. And as much as we would love to begin your...