I want to start by saying the success I am most proud of here at The Cleary Company is our relationships. Everyone who celebrated our 25th anniversary with us is connected by relationships and those connections keep us doing what we do. In our 25 years of business it’s the nurturing and growing of those relationships that has brought me the most joy. I want to thank each and every one of you for allowing us in some way to be part of your lives.
Although there are many, many amazing people I can thank who’ve helped me and my team over our 25 years, I’d like to offer a shout out to those closest and dearest here now. First, to my incredible bride. Cathy’s been a true supporter of all my crazy aspirations and dreams and has allowed me to chase them. Without the support and understanding of her and our 3 awesome kids, we would not be where we are today, that’s the fact!
She and I started The Cleary Company in April of ’94. We had recently purchased our first home, a small ranch in the River Ridge neighborhood of Upper Arlington. In the basement of this home was the first office for The Cleary Company. All we really knew then was we loved each other, our communities and we wanted to build a financially sound remodeling company to support our future family.
Today we are supporting 28 families and 60+ trade partners that we work with and we thank all of them for their commitment to their crafts.
Next I want to thank a few of the most loyal friends I have – Rob Lindeboom, Laura Watson and April Howe. They have been in the trenches with me and I am truly grateful for their many years of commitment to The Cleary Company.
Rob and I met in high school at Bishop Watterson. We became fast buddies and have been true friends for over 30 years. Rob is an incredible craftsman and has always set the standard high in our production department. Everyone quickly realizes, when we build projects Rob’s way here it’s remodeling done right.
Laura has been my Godsend! She’s an incredibly talented designer, who’s artistic eye has this classic edge our clients really love. She intently listens to our clients but also helps them stretch out of their comfort zone to make their projects shine.
April, well, she’s amazing too. She’s the reason we all know about The Cleary Company and is, by far, the best cheerleader any company could ask for. I constantly hear people say, “Your Social Media is so fun!”, “I love the articles you post.”, “Your project photos are amazing.”, “Your website is so helpful.”, “It’s fun to see all the events and projects you are doing.” This energetic lady shouts from the mountain tops all the great things Our Team is doing and we can’t be any more grateful to have her expertise.
There is one more person who, although maybe hasn’t been here for as long as some of these folks, has made a huge impact on our growth. Aaron Enfinger, our General Manager, is a mastermind with numbers and charts. He’s implemented structure, policies and procedures in our business that has made The Cleary Company a stronger Remodel Design Build business. This guy is an amazing success story, but I will tell you it’s because of his dedication and commitment to learn. I am often exhausted trying to keep up with his continual push for excellence. Aaron, you are a very valuable asset to The Cleary Company and having you as a friend truly has been a blessing. Thank YOU for all your hard work!!!
Each member of Our Team is a blessing and I thank each of them for choosing The Cleary Company as their work family. I have found out over 25 years, if I am surrounded by people I enjoy, our business is successful. To all of our Team Cleary staff, THANK YOU for all you do, not only for me and the company but for our clients, trade partners and vendors. You are the most talented bunch of Remodel Design Build folks I know, and I hear it daily from numerous sources. I hope you enjoyed our 25th anniversary party as much as I did!
To our trade partners and vendors that we get the privilege to work with, THANK YOU for all your dedication to The Cleary Company. We couldn’t be here without you.
To our clients, thank you for your confidence in us to allow us to design and construct your spaces and allow us to do our part in improving the quality of your lives. It is a true privilege and honor to be invited into your home for months to make it a better place for you and every single member of The Cleary Company is here because you said, “Yes.” We also know because of you referring us to your friends, co-workers and family we have been lucky enough to continue to grow!
We look forward to what’s next and give great thanks for every referral, every repeat client and every new friend we meet along the way.
George & Russell