I may never have put my neck out to start The Cleary Company if it weren’t for someone believing in me.
In the spring of 1994 my wife, Cathy, and I were having a conversation about the future. How did it look? Where would we be? What would we be doing? How would we pay the bills? I was working for a small local general contractor and enjoyed the work but felt the desire after 10 years to challenge myself. I knew I wanted to be part of something I built, something that I would enjoy something that would be sustainable and allow me to bring joy to others lives.
I have to thank my wife Cathy for always standing behind me and encouraging my dreams. If it weren’t for her, who knows where my career path would be but there’s a good chance I wouldn’t know most of you reading this right now!
I am so thankful for all the joy The Cleary Company has brought into our lives and all the relationships that have come from it.
There are many blessings to count from the past year, but the most life changing for me was taking a mission trip with my daughter Molly to Malawi Africa. As I reflect back on 2014 and the list of personal and professional goals I had set for myself and the company, I am happy to report I knocked out 12 of the 13 on the combined list. So as I look to the New Year, I will write new goals and stretch to make them happen. One of them will surely be to continue to cultivate relationships w/ good people like you.
So thanks in advance for continuing the conversations. We are fortunate to have some incredible people working here w/ numerous talents and skill sets. If there is anyone out there that you know that may benefit from having our A+ Remodel/Design/Build/ team become part of improving their quality of life please do me a favor and nudge them to call us. I promise you we will do our best to exceed their expectations.
Happy 2015 everyone!