Client Profile: Home Remodeling Projects in Powell OH

Client Profile: Home Remodeling Projects in Powell OH

Since 2010, The Cleary Company Remodel Design Build in Columbus OH has built 3 major projects for Rick as well as several smaller updates to his home in Powell OH. We started with the remodel of his master bathroom, but since then have also remodeled his home’s...
Q & A – Project Manager Rob Lindeboom CLC

Q & A – Project Manager Rob Lindeboom CLC

Project Manager Rob Lindeboom Reflects on 25 years of Home Remodeling in Columbus OH Rob & George have been buddies since their high school days on the Bishop Watterson Football team. (Can you spot them in the photo below?!) So when George made the decision in...
Collecting Donations for Operation Backpack

Collecting Donations for Operation Backpack

Remodeling is Fun & so is Giving Back! Join Our Team & Volunteers of America Ohio-Indiana to help homeless and at-risk kids go back to school with confidence. What is Operation Backpack? Through Operation Backpack®, Volunteers of America collects and...
Office & Design Studio Grand Opening

Office & Design Studio Grand Opening

We Moved! 989 Old Henderson Rd Columbus OH 43220 Thank you to everyone who attended our official ribbon cutting Friday June 21, 2019! Over 100 people stopped by to see the new space and enjoy the beautiful weather We are so excited to be celebrating our 25th year in...
Home Remodeling Clients for 25 Years | Columbus OH

Home Remodeling Clients for 25 Years | Columbus OH

In the spring of 1994 George Cleary established The Cleary Company at the urging of his wife, Cathy. He began by promoting himself and his new business to not only his family and friends but to the families of his friends. It wasn’t long before he secured his...