Team Cleary Hosts Food Drive March 1st thru 31st Benefiting Mid-Ohio Food Bank Do you know where your next meal is coming from? According to Mid-Ohio Food Bank’s website, one in five Ohioans is food insecure. During the uncertainty of the pandemic many more families...
Alex and Lisa have lived in their home for 15 years. Their kids are grown and all moved out. They knew it was time for some changes to make the 4,100 sq. ft. ranch their forever home. The recent, extensive remodel was the first large-scale project they’ve undertaken...
George Cleary, CR, Owner & CEO of The Cleary Company in Columbus, Ohio, is proud to announce his Team’s recent industry achievements in design and craftsmanship. “The CotYs are great for recognizing the best of the best. I’m more thrilled with...
Have you always been interested in building and creating? As a kid, did you like using scraps of wood to build birdhouses, ramps, or a playhouse? And perhaps now you enjoy fixing things in your home, either plumbing or electrical. Is painting a room your happy place?...
Kitchen Remodeling Questions Answered Many of us, having lived the last year mainly at home, are realizing things about our homes we don’t love. Likely, the kitchen is at the top of the list. At The Cleary Company, we’ve been fielding many calls about kitchen...